Friday, September 24, 2010

Student Discussion Worksheet-Chapter 9

Hi All,

Here is the Student Discussion Worksheet for Chapter 9.  Don't worry about the worksheet for chapter 4. 

See you all on Monday! Please remember to read Chapter 9. 

Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies

Student Discussion Worksheet

Name: ____________________________________________ Due date: ______________

Reading: Ch. 9, “Race and Ethnicity: Are They Important in Sports?”

1. Your 14-year-old brother comes to you and asks why he sees so many black athletes in certain sports, and so few or none in other sports. What are three of the main points you would talk about in your discussion with him?

Point #1:

Point #2:

Point #3:

2. Your 16-year-old son attends a U.S. high school with the sport team nickname of “Redskins.” The team mascot is a caricature of a Native American in war paint and feather headdress carrying a tomahawk. Your son wants to apply to be the mascot for next year. He wants to know if it’s okay with you (by the way, you live close to a reservation where 1 in 6 teens attempt suicide, the unemployment rate is 30%, and 70% of the households are under the poverty level). You want your son to make an informed decision about what to do. What points do you emphasize in your discussion?

3. As the principal of a new racially and ethnically mixed high school, you want to use the varsity sport program as a site for highlighting positive intergroup relations in your school. What challenges will you face as you try to do this? What challenges will be the most difficult to deal with?


Most difficult challenge:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Review Sheet for Exam 1

Review Sheet

Exam 1

ETH 125 Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary America

Fall 2010

Dr. Lori L. Martin

Terms: (70%)


Sociological imagination


Social structure




Social Class









Social research


Sample Essay Topics: (30%)

1. Some sociologists think that a precise definition of sports is needed so they can distinguish sports from other phenomena that have different social dynamics and social implications. Using the definition of sport given in the chapter, identify which of the following activities would be classified as sports. Give reasons for your classifications.

- Racing in the Indianapolis 500 - The Super Bowl

- Skiing with friends at a resort - Jogging every morning

- Playing handball at the YMCA - Playing chess in a school tournament

- Bowling in a Friday-night league - Doing aerobics in a P.E. course

2. According to definitions in the text, wrestling may be a form of play, a sport, or dramatic spectacle. Give examples of “wrestling” in each of these three forms and discuss the factors that lead it to be classified in each of these three categories.

3. Sports are contested activities as well as social constructions. This means that people have differing ideas about what sports could and should be in society, and they struggle over whose ideas will prevail as they collectively create various forms of sports. Identify the issues over which people have struggled in recent years as they determine what sports are and how they will be included in their lives.

4. Producing knowledge in the sociology of sport occurs through a seven-stage process. Identify three of those stages and explain why they are crucial to the overall knowledge production process.

Socialization (Part II)

Socialization (Coakley)

Socialization Notes (Part I)

What is Socialization?

Notes-Coakley Chapter 2

Producing Knowledge About Sports in Society

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Student Discussion Worksheet for Chapter 1 (Due Monday, September 13, 2010)

Reading: Ch. 1, “The Sociology of Sport: What Is It and Why Study It?”

1. In Ch. 1 it was explained that sports are “contested activities” and that people sometimes debate and struggle about “Who will participate in sports and under what conditions will their participation occur?” Identify two issues over which people have debated and struggled when it comes to who participates in sports.

Issue/example #1:

Issue/example #2:

2. Street roller hockey is growing in popularity among middle-class boys and girls in many suburban communities around the country. Jump rope is growing in popularity among low income, African American girls in many large cities. Which of these two activities has the best chance of becoming a sport in the United States? Give two reasons for your choice.




3. As you discuss your course schedule for this semester, one of your friends asks you, “Why are you taking a sociology of sport course? I don’t see how sport is related to society. What’s that class about?” How would you respond to your friend?
